Bebauungsplan Pädagogischen Hochschule

Location: Bólstaðarhlíð / Stakkahlíð, Reykjavík
Client: Umhverfis- og skipulagssvið, Reykjavíkurborg 150 new apartments, university building
Planning area: 4 ha
Completion: 2018
The planning area is located not far from the city center in Reykjavik on the area of the Icelandic University of Education.
South of the existing college buildings is a derelict site that will be occupied by residential development reserved for students and senior citizens.
The scale and shape of the roofs of the new development are based on the existing residential development to the south. South-facing semi-open courtyards are created that are connected to each other. The existing buildings along Bólstaðarhlíð will thus be integrated into the new plan. Play and recreation areas are sheltered from the wind in the courtyards.
North of the planning area, along Háteigsvegur to the east of the university buildings, new structures for university use are planned.